Skills and labor shortages

The shortage of specialists and workers is now being felt by everyone and in many areas.

Yes we do

The past years were / are characterized by crises, such as the Corona pandemic, energy crisis, wars, inflation, climate change, etc.

Christmas 2022

We wish you happy holidays and all the best, health, happiness and success for the new year.

Tandem tour

Are "tandem leadership" and "shared leadership" once again new buzzwords and "old wine in new bottles" or leadership and management rethought?

Competence vs. qualification

What is a competence? What is a qualification? What is the difference?

Leadership and management skills in the toughest leadership simulation

Virtual leadership | New Work | Agile teams | Work-life balance ... keywords that occupy managers and HR developers in all industries.

SINN - Thoughts on the 25th anniversary of the death of Viktor Frankl

September 2 marks the 25th anniversary of the death of one of the most fascinating people I have ever had the privilege of meeting in person - Viktor Frankl.

Fachliche & persönliche Kompetenzen von Führungskräften

Ein Auswahlverfahren für Führungskräfte in Ihrem Unternehmen sollte umfassend sein und einer breiten Basis an Kompetenzen unterliegen.

Crisis: Interview in "die junge wirtschaft" magazine

Oliver Wegenberger im Interview mit dem Magazin "die junge wirtschaft" der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich zum Thema Krise.

Talent and competence management

Oliver Wegenberger und Josef Wegenberger geben Einblicke in die Inhalte ihres Buches Talent- und Kompetenzmanagement.