Competence diagnostics

The "right" people, at the "right" place, at the "right" time, in the "right" quantity is the objective of talent management or personnel development. Competence diagnostics plays a central role in this.

Competence diagnostics or personnel diagnostics has two main fields of application:

  • Personnel selection
  • Potential analysis as a basis for competence development | career development

Competence diagnostics thus creates the basis both for the accurate selection of employees and managers at all levels and for targeted competence development.

The managementcube | competency diagnostics is based on the managementcube | competency systems for employees and managers. Tailored to the function, communicative competencies, personal competencies, entrepreneurial competencies, technical and methodological competencies, sales competencies, leadership and management competencies are evaluated. The competencies are mapped in a requirement-specific manner in 250 standard function groups. These specific solutions guarantee an exact measurement of the relevant competencies and ensure a precise TARGET/ACTUAL comparison.

In addition, company-specific tailored solutions, make managementcube | competence diagnostics your individual procedure for personnel selection and potential analysis.

The ideal combination of different procedures, such as test and assessment system, hearing, structured in-depth interview, assessment center [center of competence], center of excellence, management audit, work sample etc. forms the optimal basis for personnel selection and potential analysis.

We offer specific procedures for the following hierarchy and career levels

  • Top Management | Executive Board
  • Division Management | Department Management [Leadership of Executives]
  • Staff unit | Cross-divisional units
  • Operational leadership [leadership of employees] [team leadership
  • Lateral leadership | Specific leadership role [e.g. Scrum, project management].
  • Young Leaders
  • Experts | Specialists
  • Employees | Professionals
  • Trainees | Apprentices | School leavers | Career starters

managementcube | Test and Assessment System

The accurate test system in the selection and potential analysis of employees and executives. managementcube tests all company-relevant competencies [personality | skills | knowledge | performance | application in practice], is field-tested, of high quality and ascertains strengths, potential for improvement, deficits and limitations.

managementcube | competence analysis

The managementcube | competence analysis is designed as a procedure lasting several hours. The objective is to analyze the function-specific relevant competencies. The competence analysis is based on defined function and competence descriptions.


managementcube | Center of Competence - Individual Processes

The managementcube | Center of Competence is a qualitative further development of the Assessment Center method and is designed as an individual procedure. The Center of Competence is based on defined function and competence descriptions.


managementcube | Center of Competence - Group Processes

The managementcube | Center of Competence is a qualitative further development of the Assessment Center method and is also designed as a group procedure. The Center of Competence is based on defined function descriptions as well as competence descriptions.


managementcube | Center of Excellence

The Center of Excellence is used to optimally review the leadership and management competencies of existing or future executives at top management level. The Center of Excellence is based on defined function descriptions and competence descriptions.


managementcube | e-Assessment

Our many years of experience with ONLINE and VIDEO selection and potential analysis procedures in the national and international environment enable us to provide accurate selection and potential analysis of employees and managers with the same high quality!

This means that all procedures [managementcube | Competence Analysis, Center of Competence [individual procedures and group procedures] are also available in the pure online variant.