Our philosophy

Our thoughts and actions have one goal - YOUR SUCCESS

Im Mittelpunkt unseres beraterischen Handelns steht der Mensch –
als Individuum oder Teil eines ganzheitlichen Systems

Ziel unserer Beratung ist die Entwicklung einer integrativen Persönlichkeit
beziehungsweise wirksamen Organisation

Wir wollen unseren Kund/innen eine Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe geben

Wir bilden als Berater/innen eine Synthese aus fundierter Theorie
und praxiserfahrener Anwendung

Wir wollen nie die Fähigkeit verlieren, um Erfahrungen reicher zu werden –
permanente Weiterbildung ist unsere Pflicht

Our quality

Wir sind niemandem anderen als unseren hohen moralischen und
ethischen Wertmaßstäben sowie unseren strengen Qualitätskriterien verpflichtet

Seriosität | Objektivität | Verschwiegenheit | Verantwortungsbewusstsein –
sind die Säulen unseres Erfolges

National and international awards and certificates are proof of our lived quality

  • CMC | Certified Management Consulting - the International Council of Management Consulting confirms that we meet the highest international quality standards in the consulting field
  • Association for Talent Development [vormals American Society for Development and Training] – Best practice im Bereich Center of ExcellenceDie Ergebnisse der weltweiten Benchmarking-Studie der Association for Talent Development beweisen die hohe Qualität der Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftspsychologie und Organisationsdynamik in der Führungskräfteentwicklung
  • CCT - Certified Customer Training - Austrian Federal Economic Chamber - Professional Association for Management Consulting and Information Technology
  • Certification Occupational Psychology - Association of Austrian Psychologists
  • ISO 10 667 | DIN 33430 | Ö-NORM A 4000 – Konformität für managementcube | Personaldiagnostik
  • DIN 33430 | Ö-NORM A 4000 – Konformität für managementcube | Test und Assessment System

Quality | Confidentiality Obligation

Unsere internen Management- und Kontrollsysteme [Risk-Management, Datenschutz- und Datensicherheitskonzept] garantieren den Schutz vertraulicher Daten

Alle unsere Mitarbeiter/innen unterliegen strengsten Verschwiegenheitspflichten [ Psycholog/innen und Psychotherapeut/innen | Unternehmensberatung | Certified Management Consulting | Code of Conduct und Corporate Governance der Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftspsychologie und Organisationsdynamik]

Our management

Dipl.-Psych. Mag. Josef Wegenberger, CMC

Oliver Wegenberger, BSc. MSc.

Josef Wegenberger

Study of psychology | pedagogy
Psychotherapy - training (conversational psychotherapy, behavioral therapy)
Management Consultant [CMC]

Further education and training
Several trainer trainings [Certificates: CCT |CBT]
Training as an instructional trainer
Certified industrial, business and organizational psychologist

Several years of experience as head of human resources development [industrial group].
Managing Director of the Society for Business Psychology and Organizational Dynamics, since 1988
Lectureship at the University of Vienna
Business psychologist, consultant to numerous national and international companies

Oliver Wegenberger

Studies of Psychology at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna [BSc. | MSc.]

Further education and training
Certification in Industrial and Organizational Psychology [Professional Association of Austrian Psychologists].

Member of the management board of the Society for Business Psychology and Organizational Dynamics
Several years of experience in the field of personnel and competence diagnostics
University lecturer at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna
FH-Lector at the University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna
FH-Lector at the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten
Doctoral student at the MODUL University Vienna

Our social responsibility

Dealing with animate and inanimate nature, climate and environmental protection, and sustainability in all areas are central elements of our corporate culture and our thoughts and actions.

2004 - date

In our Seminar.Center the catering consists of 95% vegetarian and vegan foods

2017 - date

Since 2017, we have relied 100% on green electricity in all buildings

2017 - 2021

Every year we offset our unavoidable CO2 emissions by planting trees and shrubs

2018 - date

Since 2018, we have pushed public transport in our mobility


We have made our contribution to the urban climate by planting additional trees and shrubs in our yards at the Glasergasse 3 location


Since 2021, our photovoltaic system has been contributing to the energy self-sufficiency and CO2 neutrality of our company


Our further plans:

  • Switch to e-cars
  • Continuation of the POOL solution for our vehicle fleet
  • Switch to climate-neutral heat generation


Yes we do....
We consequently continue our "Green Way" as a company for business psychology and organizational dynamics: Our 1st pool car - 100% electric



„Umgang mit der belebten und unbelebten Natur, Klima- und Umweltschutz sowie die Nachhaltigkeit in allen Bereichen sind zentrale Elemente unserer Unternehmenskultur und unseres Denken und Handelns“ [Auszug aus unserer Unternehmensphilosophie].

Wir haben in den letzten Jahren ca. 5000m² als Ausgleich für CO2-Emissionen „renaturiert“ und setzen damit unseren Weg konsequent fort

We have been supporting projects and organizations for "people and animals" for more than 12345 days now. We understand these activities as a self-image of our company.

The protection of our environment is close to all our hearts - that's why we recommend venues that are easily accessible by public transport when holding seminars.

Our history

  • March 31, 1988


    Founded as the Institute for Business Psychology and Organizational Dynamics by Josef Wegenberger, CMC | Karl Redl | Sylvia Wegenberger.

    The transformation of the company into a limited liability company and the simultaneous change of name to Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftspsychologie und Organisationsdynamik took place in 1989.

  • April 1988


    Major order ERSTE Austrian SparCasse [today Erste Bank].
    Development of the computer-based test system for personnel selection of all employees based on a holistic competence model developed especially for ERSTE.

  • September 1988


    ÖIAG | Austrian Industries - Holding Company of Austrian Nationalized Industry
    Management development program for executives of ÖIAG and Austrian Industries Group and their subsidiaries and affiliates, OMV, VÖEST, Böhler-Uddeholm, Elin, ...

  • October 1988


    OMV AG is won as a customer in the field of personality and competence development, hundreds of seminars follow in the next decades

  • 1989


    Campaign with the magazine GEWINN
    Together with the magazine GEWINN, an Austria-wide campaign is carried out for interested readers under the motto "Test your career potential" - more than 2,000 take advantage of this offer; further successful campaigns will follow in the next 20 years

  • 1990


    15 TOP 500 companies are among our customers

  • 1991


    Austrian National Bank - Order to develop a 25-hour computer-based learning program for the "Foreign Exchange Statistical Reporting Provisions" - more than 20,000 employees in 1250 reporting banks and savings banks to be trained in 6 months - The most extensive learning program in Europe at the time

  • 1992


    Federal Ministry for Education and the Arts of the Republic of Austria - Development of Quality Standards for Learning Programs in the School Classroom

  • 1992


    The Society for Business Psychology and Organizational Dynamics is again named Company of the Year in the GEWINN competition in the category of consulting companies after 1991.

  • 1993


    Karl Redl leaves the management due to illness - Sylvia Wegenberger joins the management (CFO, COO)

  • 1997


    First large personality and competence development projects in public administration

  • 1998


    Association for Talent Development [vormals American Society for Training and Development] – Bench marking mit über 700 Managementinstituten weltweit – “best practice”

  • 2002


    Successful exhibition in the Hermesvilla - Dealing with stress with more than 15,000 visitors

  • 2003


    15 years of strategic partnership with WEKA-Verlag - publication of standard works on personnel management
    "Efficient personnel search, selection and management", WEKA, 1988-1994
    "Leadership practice", WEKA, 1996-2004
    "Good conversations promote employees", WEKA, 1998

  • 2004


    The Seminar.Center in Glasergasse 3 is opened; the concentration of offices at the Glasergasse 3 location follows in spring 2006

  • 2004


    Seit heuer verwenden wir in allen Publikationen und Dokumenten eine gendersensible Sprache: Wir wollen beispielhaft mit „Mitarbeiter/innen“ alle Menschen ansprechen; der „Querstrich /“ unterstreicht die Haltung der Wertschätzung, des Respekts und der Akzeptanz

  • 2007 | 2011 | 2014


    CMC - Certified Management Consultant - The Society for Business Psychology and Organizational Dynamics is awarded this international seal of approval for high-quality consulting services

  • 2007


    Development of a comprehensive competence system as a basis for competence-oriented personnel development [managementcube | teammembercube | competencecube].
    Definition of all success-relevant competencies [abilities | skills | attitudes |personal and social competencies | ...].

  • 2008


    The core competence of the Society for Business Psychology and Organizational Dynamics is extended by the areas of sports psychology diagnostics and sports psychology - support of athletes and soccer clubs of the German and Austrian Bundesliga

  • 2010


    150th personnel development project is realized with an international industrial company

  • 2012 - 2014


    New development of managementcube | personnel diagnostics | test and assessment systems 6th generation

  • 2013


    150th organizational development project is implemented in public administration

  • 2014


    Further internationalization of the Society for Business Psychology and Organizational Dynamics

  • 2015


    2.000.000 test applications of managementcube | Personaldiagnostik - The system of test diagnostics, which has been in use since 1988 and has been permanently developed further, reaches the 2 million mark

  • 2016


    Strategic partnership with TRESCON GROUP in the area of managementcube | personnel diagnostics

  • 2017


    managementcube | personnel diagnostics - active worldwide
    Austrian companies are supported worldwide by the accurate selection of employees and executives

  • 2018


    11111 days
    Society for Business Psychology and Organizational Dynamics

  • October 2018


    Oliver Wegenberger becomes third managing director of the company

  • 2019


    The 12,000th potential | competence analysis is carried out

  • 2019


    managementcube | Test and Assessment System is presented worldwide in cooperation with Advantage Austria

  • 2019


    Austrian Cultural Forum New York

    Wir sind stolz, dass einige unserer publizierten Bücher der managementpraxis-Serie in der Bibliothek des Österreichischen Kulturforums in New York aufliegen.

  • 2020


    Through the Corona Church, we are strengthening our online offering - selection interviews, assessments, workshops, etc. take place 100% online at times.

  • 2021


    Contribution of Josef Wegenberger and Oliver Wegenberger to the editor's book "Agile Führungskräfteentwicklung" (Agile Leadership Development) with a contribution on the topic of "Standortbestimmung in der agilen Führungskräfteentwicklung" (Location Analysis in Agile Leadership Development)

  • 2021


    Publication of the book "Talent and Competence Management - An Application-Oriented Perspective" by Oliver Wegenberger and Josef Wegenberger in Springer Verlag.

  • 2022


    12345 days Society for Business Psychology and Organizational Dynamics

  • 2023


    Talent- und Kompetenzmanagement. Springer-Verlag – mehr als 100.000 Downloads der ebook Variante

    Mit Novemer 2023 haben wir mit unserem Fachbuch Talent- und Kompetenzmanagement – eine Perspektive (Wegenberger, O. und Wegenberger, J.). Springer Gabler (2021) die 100.000-Marke erreicht und „übersprungen“.

  • 2023


    Begleitung des umfangreichsten Change- und Unternehmensentwicklungsprojekt in unserer Firmengeschichte

    10.000 Mitarbeiter/innen
    600 Management-Kompetenzanalysen (jeweils mehrstündige Einzelverfahren) – Center of Competence
    Bewertung aller Führungskräfte der Organisation (4 Führungskarriere- und Hierarchieebenen)

  • 2024


    Unsere Publikationen in den verschiedenen Verlagen – WEKA | THEAITHETOS | Haufe | Springer – mehr als 200.000 Exemplare

    Die Autor/innen der Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftspsychologie und Organisationsdynamik haben in den letzten 35 Jahren zahlreiche Bücher in verschiedenen Verlagen publiziert