Organizational Dynamics

The goal of every company and organization is to ensure sustainable performance and thus long-term success.

The basis for this is the [further] development into an effective and efficient organization in which employees find framework conditions where they [can] contribute their motivation and their competencies.

Langfristiger Erfolg basiert auf der [Weiter]Entwicklung zu einer effektiven [„Das Richtige tun“] – und effizienten – [„Die Dinge richtig tun“] Organisation, in der Mitarbeiter/innen Rahmenbedingungen vorfinden, wo sie engagiert ihre Kompetenzen einbringen [können] und dürfen [empowerment].

Our goal in Organizational Dynamics is to accompany you along the way and to jointly develop, implement and put into practice solutions tailored to your company-specific needs.

Unsere Schwerpunkte in der Organisationsdynamik


Unternehmensphilosophie und Unternehmenskultur

  • Vision | Mission | Leitbild | Ethik | Corporate Governance | Code of Conduct | Corporate Social Responisibility | Führungsgrundsätze

Integrated management system

  • Implementierung von Ziel- / Performance-Management

Changemanagement / Transformation der Organisation

Run the business

Target management

Target management [MbO] is the systematic alignment of all activities with the defined corporate objectives.

Our services: Development and introduction of a target management system | Support for consistent implementation at all levels | Provision of tried-and-tested instruments | Awareness-raising among employees and managers

Integrated management system

Integrated management system includes all elements of modern management and combines them into an integrative overall system.

Our services: Accompanying the development, merging, coordinating the individual instruments and implementing the integrated management system.

Change the business

Organizational Dynamics | Change Management

We understand the proactive development of a company as an integrative process, which is realized in a holistic approach.
OE processes are geared towards long-term success and are based on the pillars - Effectiveness - Efficiency - Commitment.

Our services: Organizational development, support of change processes

Innovate the business

Goal and strategy development

Target definition, environment analysis, analysis of own strengths and improvement potentials, strategy definition, derivation and implementation of strategic measures on all levels.

Our services: Company-specific, customized target and strategy development

Ethics Management

Ethics Management | Code of Conduct | Corporate Governance | Compliance

Our services: Accompanying customized projects for development and implementation at all levels of the company | Awareness-raising process and training for managers and employees.

Corporate Culture | Mission Statement Development

The corporate mission statement represents the totality of company-related values, standards and attitudes that shape the behavior of employees and the company's internal and external image.

Our services: Support in the development and implementation of customized mission statement projects and implementation at all levels of your company.