Run the Business - change/innovate the business and manage the crisis
Josef Wegenberger
The past few years have been and continue to be marked by major challenges and crises [pandemic | supply chain bottlenecks | climate crisis | energy crisis | cybercrime | wars | other threats | ...] that we - personally, the company, our country and the entire world - have to deal with.
In the 1970s and even 1980s, Austria was referred to as "the island of the blessed." That is long gone or may or may never have been reality. For many people - myself included - the images and measures at the beginning of 2020 from China and Italy were unimaginable, what does it mean to seal off a whole city or region and to execute "curfews". When the first lockdown was imposed in Austria, many of us probably expected it to last a few weeks; that the pandemic would keep us in suspense for almost 3 years was probably expected by few. Households that had 1-2 weeks' worth of food in stock up to that point were looked at askance and perhaps labeled "conspiracy theorists."
One has the impression that a new era is beginning [before corona] / after corona pandemic [after corona].
Seeing the crises as a challenge, like many other tasks and topics, is the only chance to deal with them constructively and successfully. "Rigidity in shock", "depression", "playing dead" or an "ostrich policy" and thus "burying one's head in the sand" helps no one and least of all the employees in the company. After all, we have to be prepared for the fact that the only thing that is no longer in crisis is the crisis itself.
It is precisely in difficult times that "leadership" is required from managers, to go ahead and approach the crisis with an optimistic-realistic attitude. At the same time, however, employees may still be "fooled"; articulating issues openly and honestly and thus not damaging trust are especially important in these phases.
However, changes, crises happen simultaneously and at a rapid pace. One has the feeling that there is no time to catch one's breath and take a deep breath. In addition, as managers, we encounter key words every day, such as virtual leadership | new work | agility | network organization | home office | workation/ | work-life balance | shortage of specialists and workers | diversity | ...
- What does this mean for "RUN THE BUSINESS" and our leadership practice?
Digitalization | disruptive business models | "It's not the big ones that will eat the small ones, but the fast ones that will eat the slow ones" | "The only thing that remains stable is change"
- How can we stay ahead by "CHANGE / TRANSFORM / INNOVATE THE BUSINESS"?
Pandemic | Supply Chain Bottlenecks | Climate Crisis | Energy Crisis | Cybercrime | ...
- How can we "MANAGE THE CRISIS"? So that the much-used "crisis as opportunity" becomes reality, because: The only thing that will not come to the crisis in the future is the crisis
In summary - 3 challenges for us as the managers in the company
- Run the business
- change/innovate the business and
- manage the crisis
Our managementpraxis | simulation game "Leading in Practice 5.0" makes leadership and management literally tangible and attackable. You experience the challenges and their effects "up close" in the protected framework of practical simulations.
In Führen in der Praxis 5.0, a company with management, various roles and hierarchy levels, works council, customers, suppliers, partners/subsidiaries, etc. is simulated in a complete infrastructure in line with actual practice.
In several "simulation rounds", numerous practical tasks have to be completed and mastered under "difficult" conditions and stressful conflict situations.
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